Doug Brown
You'll mainly find him in the office writing reviews, researching supplements, or studying the fitness industry. When he's off his leash Doug spends his time in the gym, prepping the next meal or hanging out anywhere people will listen to him talk about fitness.
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- KetoBoss Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN Review - December 18, 2018
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Intro: What does this supplement do?
This is our review of Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN, which is a testosterone booster from KetoBoss. It has claims to help promote:
- Strength
- Muscle Mass
- Libido
- Testosterone

But how well will it work for you?
In this review, we look closer at this supplement to see how effective it really is.
This is what we’ve found:
Ingredients: What’s in Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN?
There are numerous ingredients, but unfortunately, half of them are under a proprietary blend.
A proprietary blend is when a supplement manufacturer chooses to hide the individual dosages of the ingredient in their product.
Instead, they group the ingredients together under one larger dosage. This means you don’t know how much of each ingredient you’re getting or how effective it really is overall.
There are some good ingredients in here, but we do believe improvements could be made.
Below, we look at the main ingredients in KetoBoss’s testosterone booster, along with our summary and suggestions on how to improve it.

Tongkat Ali
This isn’t a great start to KetoBoss Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN. Tongkat Ali, which is also known as Eurycoma Longifolia or Longjack.
It is thought to help raise your testosterone levels, however studies show it may not actually be that effective.
It has not been seen to work for testosterone in any human studies, only in animals. The only benefit you may get from this nutrient is a mild boost in your libido.
This is another ingredient in Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN which isn’t a testosterone booster. However, it can help you in other ways.
Studies show that supplementing Maca can help improve your sperm quality. It can also help libido like Longjack but by helping your sperm, it’s slightly more useful as your body can use Maca as a fertility aid.
Still, we would be happier if this was nutrient that helps raise testosterone instead.
Another ingredient in this supplement from KetoBoss which doesn’t boost testosterone levels.
L-Arginine is an amino acid with links to improving blood flow, endurance and muscle pumps. However, not only does this not help with raising your levels of the male hormone, it also doesn’t work well when orally supplement.
In most cases, L-Arginine is too difficult for your body to fully absorb and use. You need some kind of precursor which is easily absorbed and converts into L-Arginine after the fact. L-Citrulline is the best option for this, but you need a lot to make it work. Studies typically show it working in doses of 6000 – 8000mg which is a lot to be putting in a capsule.
It’s not a wise option here.
Ginseng Blend
This is a much better option in KetoBoss Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN. Ginseng is effective for helping both your libido and testosterone.
How does it work for you?
Ginseng can help to regulate your body’s blood sugar, and by extension, your insulin levels.
This is important as your insulin levels can influence (and reduce) your testosterone levels. When your insulin levels are higher, your testosterone levels lower. This is due to a process known as homeostasis, essentially the more you have of one hormone, the less you have of another. The more insulin, the less testosterone. This is how your body balances your hormones.
By using something like Ginseng, it can help support healthy insulin levels which can help your testosterone levels to rise.
Pumpkin Seed
Another good addition to this supplement from KetoBoss. Pumpkin Seed is effective for testosterone because it contains a high amount of Zinc.
Zinc is used for several chemical reactions in your brain which can help promote your overall levels of the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) which is your body’s precursor to both growth hormone and testosterone.
The more LH you have in your system, the more support your body has to improve your overall levels of testosterone.
Muira Puama
This is an interesting choice in Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN. Mainly because it is thought to boost testosterone, however, studies show that it doesn’t. But it still has benefits.
Although it can’t help with the male hormone, Muira Puama may be able to help with libido, althought there isn’t much evidence.
However, there is evidence that it can help as a cognitive enhancer, this means it could help to improve focus and concentration throughout the day.
It’s not exactly what you’re looking for in this supplement, but it is still a nice bonus.
Cayenne Pepper
This isn’t a testosterone booster in Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN, but it may have other advantages.
Cayenne Pepper can help you more with fat loss and appetite suppression. It does this because it contains a compound known as Capsaicin.
After consuming Cayenne Pepper, the Capsaicin can help increase your body’s core temperature which starts a cool down process in your body. This cooling process makes your body us more energy than it does do normally.
In doing so you burn more calories, which contributes to better fat loss.
This isn’t a testosterone booster or a fat loss aid in Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN, but it can help as a support to some extent.
So, what does Astragalus do?
It mainly helps with blood and nutrient flow. This can help improve your absorption of the ingredients in this supplement.
Aside from that you’re not going to notice much of a difference.
Catuaba Bark
Another ingredient which some supplement companies claim to help promote testosterone.
However it doesn’t actually do that. There are no studies which show Catuaba can help promote testosterone. The only thing it has been seen to do is help with libido.
That’s all the benefit you’ll get from it in KetoBoss’s Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN.
Tribulus Terrestris
This is not a great option in Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN. Despite being used in a lot of testosterone boosters, you’d be surprised what the studies have to say about this herb.
Although there are claims that Tribulus can help raise testosterone, there are no human studies to show that it works. It has only been seen to help raise testosterone in animal tests.
It won’t have much of an impact here, the only benefit it may have for you is that it can contribute a mild boost in sex drive and libido. Aside from that you’re not going to notice much of an impact.
Orchic Extract
This isn’t a good option either in Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN. If you’re not sure what Orchic extract is, it’s as simple as this: bovine testes – bull testicles.
Eaten in some parts of America under the name ‘Rocky Mountain Oysters’. The idea is that the masculine angle from the ‘macho-ness’ of the bull may help give you extra testosterone.
This is not the case, there are no studies which show it is an effective option for raising your T levels.
It’s not something that we would recommend using.
Oyster Extract
This is a nice supporting option in this supplement. Oyster extract – although not vegetarian – contains numerous vitamins and minerals which can help testosterone including zinc and Vitamin D3.
However, as this ingredient is part of a proprietary blend, it’s hard to know how much of it you’re getting and if it will have much of an impact. KetoBoss really need to be more transparent about what they’re using in their supplement.
This is one of the better minerals in Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN. Boron has been seen in numerous studies to help with both testosterone and also reduces estrogen.
Reducing your estrogen levels is a good bonus as it can help to keep your male and female hormones balanced allowing your testosterone levels to have more of an impact.

Overview: Nutrient Profile
There are a lot of ingredients in Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN, and we have to say, we’re not keen on the proprietary blend.
For the ingredients under it, you don’t know how much of each ingredient you’re getting or how effective it really is overall.
Not only that, there are some improvements that could be made here.
What could KetoBoss do to make this supplement better?
The first thing that we would recommend removing is the proprietary blend. It would help to improve the overall transparency of the supplement. Not only that, removing some of the weaker options from this supplement would help a lot too, and replacing them with something more effective.
So, what could go? Tongkat Ali, L-Arginine, Sarsaparilla, Oat Straw, Catuaba Bark, Licorice, Tribulus Terrestris and Orchic Extract.
Better options would be Vitamin D3, Zinc, Magnesium, D-Aspartic Acid, and Fenugreek.
For example, the Zinc and the D-Aspartic acid would both help with producing the Luteinizing Hormone in your body, which is your precursor to both growth hormone and testosterone.
Vitamin D3 would be a good option too. It’s technically a hormone with numerous studies showing it to help with testosterone, bone density and general health.
You already get Vitamin D3 from the sun’s rays. However, we spend most of our time indoors which means you’re unlikely to get the optimum amount throughout the day. This is why supplementing it is such a good option.
It would be better if more ingredients like this were added to this supplement.
Safety: Are there any side effects in Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN?
Not that we can see, the ingredients in this supplement are natural with no links to causing any severe side effects.
However, with a proprietary blend there’s always an element of risk as you don’t know exactly how much of each ingredient you’re getting.
We don’t think you will run into any problems, but you should check with your doctor if you have any concerns.
Instructions: How are the servings?
There’s only one serving a day, so this could be better.
The issue with one serving a day is that you’re only getting a few hours of benefit. This isn’t enough to keep your testosterone levels rising day-long.
Ideally, what you need is a testosterone booster that has 3 – 4 servings a day. This gives your body a constant supply of the nutrients you need to keep your T levels on the rise all day.
Is this the best Testosterone Booster?
No. There’s better:
We review an endless amount of testosterone boosters every month searching for the most effective one on the market.
We look for supplements that deliver:
- Effective Testosterone Production
- 100% Natural Ingredients
- Increases in Overall Free Testosterone
- Noticeable Strength Boosts
- More Energy
- Enhanced Mood and Sex Drive
- Faster Recovery and Muscle Growth
- Value for Money
- Results
To see the full list of the top testosterone boosters on the market at the moment. Check out our top recommendations in the link below:
– Our Top T-Boosters –
Review Summary: Is Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN effective?
There is a lot of improvements that KetoBoss could do to help Alpha Titan TESTO GAIN.
From our review, this is what you need to know about:
- Missing Core Nutrients – More study backed ingredients could be added to help with testosterone in this supplement.
- Proprietary Blend – You don’t know how much of each ingredient you’re getting or how effective it really is overall.
- Servings Could Be Higher – One a day may not be enough give the best overall effect.
Muxcle’s Verdict:
As you can see, this isn’t the best testosterone booster that we would recommend adding to your stack.
To see what our readers, and editor have voted as the most effective option on the market – check out our full official review of our current #1 in the link below:
Our Number #1 TestoFuel:
TestoFuel is the best testosterone booster we've ever reviewed.
A completely natural, well dosed, T-Booster - TestoFuel helped us pack on more muscle mass than any other supplement we've used.
When using TestoFuel, our editor experienced:
- Faster Recovery
- Rapid Muscle Growth
- Improved Strength
- Enhanced Energy
- More Energy and Focus
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