Rhonda Walker
She's a keen reader of the latest news and studies on everything to with supplements. Rhonda also has years of experience in dealing with the industry and understands what it takes for a supplement to be effective.
When she's not reviewing, you can usually find Rhonda running, playing roller derby or hanging out with her dog Max.
Find out more about Rhonda on our About Us page.
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What does SennaBliss Sleep Sense do?
This is our SennaBliss Sleep Sense review, a sleeping aid with claims to promote:
- Longer Sleeps
- Feeling More Refreshed the Morning After
- Deeper Sleep
But how well will it work for you?
In this review we look closer at this supplement to see how effective it really is.
This is what we’ve found…
What you need to know about the SennaBliss Sleep Sense ingredients:
There are some effective ingredients in this supplement.
Some that can promote your body’s natural melatonin, and even melatonin itself.
Improvements could always be made, but that’s the same with any supplement.
Below, we have our write up of the main ingredients in SennaBliss Sleep Sense followed by our summary and suggestions.
This is what you need to know:
This is a great start to SennaBliss Sleep Sense. Although it doesn’t directly promote sleep, it can help you a lot in here.
Magnesium is essential to your diet and can help with numerous bodily functions, and that includes sleep.
Supplementing this mineral works as a muscle relaxant. The advantage of this is that you have fewer muscle twitches and spasms throughout the night.
This can reduce your chances of waking yourself up the middle of the night. It helps to ensure a longer amount on undisturbed sleep.
This is another good ingredient in SennaBliss Sleep Sense.
L-Theanine is a reliable amino acid that has certain properties which can help promote sleep.
After supplementing it, L-Theanine helps to promote your overall levels of dopamine, serotonin and GABA. These are relaxation hormones in your body.
The more of these you have, the easier it is for you to get into the right mindset to drift into a long and deep sleep.
It’s a great addition to this supplement.
This may not be the most reliable ingredient in SennaBliss Sleep Sense.
GABA is a naturally occuring hormone in your body which can help promote relaxation. This is good for helping you get in the right mindset for falling asleep, however, it might not work as a supplement.
Because supplementing it directly is sometimes an issue for GABA when trying to cross your blood-brain barrier.
If it can’t make it to your brain, you’re unlikely to get any of the benefits.
Phellodendron Root
This is more of a supporting ingredient in SennaBliss Sleep Sense. By this we mean, it’s not going to help with sleep – but it may help in other ways.
Also known as CorkTree, Phellodendron is a herb that is thought to help with inflammation and bone pain.
Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of research into its effectiveness. However, if it does work for you, the benefit would be an increased blood and nutrient flow, which many help this supplement to activate at a faster rate.
It could help you here.
Mucuna Pruriens
This is a much better ingredient in SennaBliss Sleep Sense.
Also known as Velvet Bean, Mucuna Pruriens are great anti-stressor supplement. They can help reduce levels of your stress hormone cortisol, which lowers anxiety.
Not only that, it also can improve your overall serotonin and dopamine levels.
As we’ve already discussed, higher serotonin is a good thing. Your body can convert it into melatonin which is great for helping you get to sleep easier.
And as Velvet Bean is already good for fighting anxiety, it can also put you in a good state of mind to get the most out of it too.
5-HTP (5 Hydroxytrptophan)
More commonly known as Tryptophan – this is a great choice in SennaBliss Sleep Sense.
Tryptophan is an amino acid that is converted by your body into a good amount of serotonin.
We don’t need to tell you by now that this means you’ll be getting a lot of melatonin out of it.
And with more melatonin naturally produced by your body – you’ll get a better night’s sleep.
This is the final ingredient in SennaBliss Sleep Sense. We’ve already talked about it a lot in here.
Supplementing Melatonin is great for sleep. It’s literally your body’s sleep regualting hormone.
Not only that, there’s numerous other functions it has in your body too. Melatonin can help to improve the health of your heart, gut, eyes, immune system and numerous other aspects of your lifestyle.
It’s good to see in here, we’re just concerned that it may be synthetic melatonin. By that we mean that it’s been made in a lab and isn’t natural.
This could be an issue, natural melatonin is a lot more effective. It would be good if we knew what we were dealing with here.
You can find melatonin in foods like Tart Cherries and Radishes. Natural is always best.
Nutrient Profile Overview:
On the whole, SennaBliss Sleep Sense does have some great ingredients – but it isn’t the best we’ve seen for sleep.
Don’t get us wrong, we like the L-Theanine, Tryptophan, Mucuna Pruriens, Mangesium. We’re just slightly concerned about that Melatonin.
It would be good if there was a confirmed natural supply of it in this supplement. Tart Cherries would be a great addition to SennaBliss Sleep Sense to make sure it all came together.
It’s a shame that’s not in here.
SennaBliss Sleep Sense Side Effects – Are there any?
Not that we can see, all the ingredients are well dosed, and there are no reports of it causing problems.
You shouldn’t run into any side effects from supplementing SennaBliss Sleep Sense.
That said, if you do have concerns, we suggest speaking to your doctor before using it.
Is this the Best Sleep Supplement?
No. There’s better:
We review an endless amount of sleep supplements on the market every month, trying to find for the best option out there for you.
We look for supplements that deliver:
- Effective and Long Sleeps
- 100% Natural Ingredients
- Better Hormonal Balance
- Noticeable Freshness and Energy in the Morning
- More Natural Melatonin Production
- Better Mood
- Faster Onset Sleep
- Value for Money
- Reliable Results for an Effective Night’s Sleep
To see the full list of the top sleep supplements on the market at the moment. Check out all our recommendations in the link below:
– Our Best Sleep Aids –
SennaBliss Sleep Sense Review Summary – Is it effective?
Overall, this is a good sleeping supplement, but it may not be the best that we’ve come across.
From our SennaBliss Sleep Sense review, this is what you need to know:
- Melatonin Source Unclear – You don’t know if this melatonin is from a natural source.
- Some Potentially Ineffective Ingredients – Supplementing GABA directly may not have the desired effect.
Muxcle’s Verdict:
As you can see, this is a nice sleep supplement, but maybe not your best option out there.
To see what our readers, and editor have voted as the most effective sleep aid on the market – check out our full official review of our current #1 in the link below:
Our Number #1 Sleep Aid:
Performance Lab Sleep is the best sleep aid we've ever reviewed.
A completely natural, well dosed, sleep supplement - Performance Lab Sleep is ideal for those who want a peaceful and effective night's sleep.
Performance Lab Sleep is great for:
- Relaxation
- Long Deep Sleep
- Feel More Refreshed in the Mornings
- Falling Asleep Faster
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